How to cut through concrete perfectly flat

2 min read

Anyone who has ever worked with concrete knows how difficult it can be, especially if you need to make a perfect cut for a door or window opening. Concrete should be treated with patience and care. There are several factors that must be taken into consideration when working with it.
Here is what any craftsman who wants to guarantee a perfectly smooth edge after cutting a concrete wall should know.

Concrete cutting tips

1) Allow the saw to cut evenly

The diamond cutter should always move naturally in a straight line, as any misalignment can affect the result. The cutting process should take place in a controlled environment. If you want to do it right, it is best to draw a straight line where the cut will go and then allow the saw to pass the material without adjusting halfway through.

2) Avoid bends

A fairly common mistake when diamond cutting concrete occurs when a novice cutter tries to make a smooth angle.

3) Use the right diamond disks

Choosing the right cutting disks is also important for smooth cuts. Poor quality cheap blades will give you wobbles. Always use only quality blades for diamond cutting concrete!

4) Think about safety

This is an important tip to consider when cutting concrete. It is essential to have the proper safety gear to ensure your safety while cutting concrete.

Believe it or not, it actually helps when cutting as it helps you better focus on the process rather than how to save your limbs.

5) Plan ahead

Planning is paramount when it comes to cutting concrete. By planning ahead, the right steps to take, you can save a lot of time and actually achieve the best possible result.

6) Turn to the professionals

The best guarantee of quality is always the professionalism of the craftsman. While achieving smooth concrete edges requires precision and the use of the right equipment, it is also important to seek professional help whenever possible.